Architectural Review Board

To help keep a consistent look for the community, the Village of Waxpool HOA created a set of guidelines designed to help ensure a consistent design across our community. These guidelines help maintain architectural design guidelines & standards that are consistent with the original design plan, while still allowing an opportunity for individual expression and general improvement. Architectural design guidelines & standards are published by the Architectural Review Board to help the community comply in meeting the architectural standards that in turn help protect, preserve and enhance our property values.

These guidelines are published in the:

Just looking the application? Click here to download the ARB application

Village of Waxpool Architectural Review Board

The Architectural Review Board (ARB) is made up of volunteers from the community. These volunteers are appointed by the HOA Board of Directors and are responsible for reviewing and approving (or disapproving) all applications for exterior additions, alterations or modifications to the house or the property. In addition, the ARB is responsible for reviewing possible violations of the Architectural Design Standards and recommending appropriate corrective actions.

  • Errol Baker -Chair
  • Ramesh Mandalapu – Member

To contact the ARB – Please visit our Contact Page

ARB Application Process

The overall process for the an ARB application is intended to be a very straight-forward process. Your first step is to review the current guidelines prior to planning your project. These guidelines detail what exterior changes require an application, and what information needs to be provide as part of your project. If you have any questions, please contact our HOA management team.

The exact steps are documented in the Architectural Guidelines & Standards but a quick overview of the steps :

  1. Complete an ARB Application and gather all of the necessary supporting documentation.
  2. Obtain the appropriate number of neighbor signatures on the application
  3. Submit all of the necessary documentation to the HOA Management company for review
  4. If the application is complete, it will be sent to the ARB for review. If incomplete, the HOA management will attempt to contact your to obtain the additional information. If they are unable to contact you the application it will be returned to the homeowner with request for additional information
  5. The ARB has up to 45 days to review the application, but typically meets once a month to review all submitted applications.
  6. The ARB will review the application, visit the site, request any clarifications, additional documentation, etc.. as necessary
  7. Once a decision is reached by the ARB management will notify of their decision via US mail.
  8. Once your project is complete, please notify management so a follow inspection can be completed.

Please email all applications and attachments to the HOA Management Company

Guideline Updates

The guidelines are designed to be a living document. Times and styles change and community input is a valuable part of making sure these guidelines reflect how the community feels. Below you will find a form to suggest changes.